Breeding mollies can be really easy and fun! Mollies are livebearers, which mean that they give birth to live babies rather than eggs. The gestation time for mollies is anywhere from 6-8 weeks. This can be a fun experience for your whole family to watch and enjoy.

Step 1: You will want to have a breeding tank set up, which should be at least 10 gallons.
Step 2: Equip the tank with plants (plastic or real) for the fry to hide in. Also add a heater as these are tropical fish and are less stressed when in warmer water, thus making the breeding process easier.
Step 3: Allow male and female mollies to be in the same tank. It helps if you have two females per male. Condition your mollies by feeding them brine shrimp or blood worms, but be careful not to over feed them. Now wait...
Step 4: By now your females should be pregnant. You should notice the females fatting up and it is now safe to remove the males.
Step 5: Soon you should be seeing your mollies give birth to their fry. After the female is finished birthing, remove her as she will eat the babies.
Step 6: Now you have your fry. Feed them crushed flakes or brineshrimp and watch them grow. Enjoy your new mollies!